Set of 4 heavy duty high wind trampoline anchors cork-screw steel stakes and 4 tie downs easy to installation in ground
The steel cork-screw anchors twist deep into the ground for the highest level of trampoline stability and safe
Trampoline anchor kits help protect your trampoline during stormy/windy conditions the high wind gusts and lots of rain/brutal sun, safely securing the trampoline to the ground. Fits all round or rectangle trampolines.
Galvanized steel material prevents ground anchors from losing shape easily.alltrampoline anchor kits Material Pass the test helps prolong the life of the anchors by reducing the chance of rust and early deterioration
Tough Strong Belt straps easily connect to the steel buckles and the Belt and Buckles Pass pull testing ensure it is safe for your Trampoline field-deployments, hunting camp, canvass tents, shelters both improvised and planed, antenna structures, and a lot of other ad-hoc needs.